The Three Thirds Model for Meetings

Look Back

Care and Worship Share a meal together. How has everyone’s personal relationship with God been? If anyone is struggling, pray for him/her, and stay after to care for that person. Spend some time worshiping God through singing and prayer, using any spiritual gifts God has given your Group.

Check-up [Never skip]

  • How have you obeyed what you have learned?

  • Who have you trained in what you have learned?

  • With whom have you shared your story or God’s story?

Vision [Never Skip]

Remind the Group what their vision is every week: to multiply disciples and Groups. Share a story from the Bible, a personal story, or song to encourage one another to share Jesus with others, start new Groups, and help others do the same. Or use one of the following Bible passages to get started: Matthew 28:18-20, Luke 10:1-11, Acts 1:8, Luke 19:1-10.

Look Up


Talk with God simply and briefly.
Ask God to teach you this week's passage.

Read and Discuss

Read and Discuss Read this week’s passage.

  • What did you like about this passage?

  • What did you find challenging about this passage?

Read this weeks passage again

  • What does this passage teach about God?

  • What does this passage teach about people?

Look Forward

Pray, listen, & make commitments [Never skip]

Have everyone in the Group pray for God to show them how to answer the questions below.
If God tells you to do something, make a commitment and write it down. Share it with the group after your prayer time.

  • How will you obey this passage?

  • Who will you train with this passage?

  • With whom will you share your story or God’s story?

Practice [Never skip!]

In groups of two or three, practice what you have committed to do in the questions above.
For example, role-play a difficult conversation or facing a temptation; practice teaching today’s passage, or practice sharing the Gospel.

After you are done, pray with your partner and ask God to prepare the hearts of the people who will be hearing about Jesus this week. Ask Him to give you the strength to be obedient to your commitments.

  • Keep Groups small. Start Groups around circles of relationships, people who already know each other. Meet where these people already gather, for example in a home, café or under a tree. With a larger Group, divide into sub-Groups of 3, 4 or 5 people if you are short on time.

  • In the Group, everyone learns to grow by doing the following on their own:

    1. Tell others about Jesus

    2. Learn from the Bible

    3. Talk with God and listen to Him

    4. Help and encourage other believers

    5. Boldly face persecution and hard times

  • View everyone as a potential disciplemaker, both before and after they trust Jesus. Leaders are usually unpaid and without formal schooling.

  • The Groups are obedience-based, not just knowledge-focused. Follow Jesus by learning and obeying the Bible through the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Make

    practical and specific commitments each meeting and review them the next time you meet. Become fishers of men by training others how to learn and obey as

    well. This creates an environment in which loving Jesus means obeying Jesus.

  • Focus on starting new Groups rather than big Groups. Meet with new leaders as they start new Groups. Train them to do the same for others. Keep everyone

    connected for ongoing training and accountability. Use MAWL [Model, Assist, Watch and Leave] to help others start Groups

  • Focus on the Bible. Trust the Holy Spirit to help each person discover the meaning of Scripture. Lead through asking questions rather than preaching. Try to make

    sure everyone participates.

Group Meeting Principles

Biglife developed the three thirds model.

They train believers to make disciples of Jesus, leading to disciple-making movements.